At a recent NASRPC event, an issue arose regarding the use of a restricted firearm belonging to another competitor.
For context, a competitor’s restricted firearm malfunctioned earlier in the day, and they wished to use an identical firearm in the same calibre, so he could compete in an important match. This “substitute” firearm was not licensed to him.
After some discussion, the competitor withdrew, as the legal position of this request was unclear.
To clarify this position for the future, we decided to consult a barrister who is also a shooter, for guidance and to seek advice.
We have now received his advice, which states that although there would seem to be a discrepancy between the primary legislation and the SI, which deals with the use of firearms on the range, in all cases, the primary legislation trumps the secondary legislation, that is the SI.
Therefore the NASRPC committee wishes to council the members and the clubs that in the case of restricted firearms, only the person with a firearms certificate for the specific firearm may use that firearm on shooting ranges. A restricted firearm may not be shared with any other shooter, even though that shooter may be licensed for the same class/make/model of firearm, of the same calibre.