Results – Irish Open – 2024

Results – Irish Open – 2024 Yet another Irish Open weekend done and dusted. For the first time, in a long time, The Open was back in the fine ranges in Fermoy Rifle Club. Those of us of a certain vintage will remember shooting in the Open in Fermoy many moons ago...

Results – BRC – June 2024

Results – BRC – June 2024 A great weekend in BRC for their 2024 National – shooting in the sunshine. The trend continues where clubs have become totally self-sufficient for their National – with loads of BRC ROs manning the ranges –...

Results – MTSC – May 2024

Results – MTSC – May 2024 We came, we saw and we burned to a crisp.  Another great weekend down in Munster Target Shooting Club.  Range was in tip top order – yet again there seemed to be an abundance of MTSC Volunteers – hopefully a trend we will see in...

Results – Fermoy Rifle Club – April 2024

Results – Fermoy Rifle Club – April 2024 Another great weekend in FRC for their 2024 National. Even the weather, which has not been great so far this year, came up with blue skies for the entire weekend. FRC have obviously been doing a lot of work on the range and in...

Results – Hilltop – February 2024

Results – Hilltop – February 2024 It was great to see so many people back out on the range for the first NASRPC National of 2024. Thank you to everyone who helped setup and run the match – our sport won’t work without your Volunteered efforts....