Here at NASRPC Headquarters, we’ll take a short break, before starting back in 2023, when we look forward to welcoming new clubs and sports to the NASRPC, developing closer ties with other target shooting bodies and offering loads of competitive opportunities throughout the island.
We had a full competition calendar for the first time in a few years, now that (we hope) COVID is in the rear view mirror. We saw 200 individuals enter 2,406 Scores in 10 National Sanctioned competitions across the 2022 Season. Those are not pre-COVID numbers – and we would expect to see those increase significantly in 2023.
We had a Pistol-Only National in Fermoy Rifle Club to try to increase the opportunities for the pistol sports shooters among you to compete. It was a great success, but we will await your feedback before looking to run another firearm-type specific National Competition.
The NASRPC Irish Open was hosted by Bracken for the second time in 2022. They were meant to host again in 2020 but after a couple years’ postponed due to COVID, it was back on. Thanks you to Bracken for Hosting, both in 2019 and in 2022.
The 2022 IGRF World Championship was held in Bisley in England, during the annual Phoenix Event. Ireland’s teams did not manage to medal in the Team World Championships, taking 5th place in both. Also no Irish Competitors managed to medal in the Individual World Championships, on this occasion.
Best of the Irish were:
- GRSB: 13th: Jimmy Byrne/Harbour House,
- GRCF: 12th: Mark Nolan/Harbour House,
- Classic GRCF: 6th: Jeff Kehoe/IPAPC.
- Ladies : No Irish Entries, on this occasion.
- Under 25: No Irish Entries, on this occasion.
The next IGRF World Championships is in Germany in 2024, hopefully we will see Irish Entries in all categories and hope to see some Irish names in the medals.
NASRPC entered Irish National Teams in 6 IGRF matches in 2022 taking home 2 Team Silver at the NASRPC Irish Open and 2 Team Bronze at the BDMP Germen Open Action Weekend.
Speaking of 2023 …..
- We have out 2022 AGM schedule for 2pm on 14th January at the Maldron Hotel, Newlands Cross, Dublin, let’s get it done in one go this year.
- We already have 11 Sanctioned Competitions on the calendar for 2023 starting with a Hilltop National, in Lough Bo, in February. We may well see more dates added to the calendar so be sure to keep an eye out at NASRPC Events.
- We have already scheduled the NASRPC Irish Open for MNSCI, the weekend of June 30th through July 2nd.
- We have already entered Irish Teams in 6 IGRF matches England (Bisley) in May, Ireland (MNSCI) in July and Germany (Leitmar) in November.
If you want any more information on how you could take part in any of these events – speak to your club or drop a line to competitions@nasrpc.ie
It is very important for all members of your club to introduce newer members to competition be it club, Interclub, National or International. We would like to help so to that end, there is a plan in motion to try to increase the amount of competition competency training in the clubs of the NASRPC in 2023.Is it still in the planning phase, but if it is something you think you could help with, have ideas on, or would like to take part in then drop a line to development@nasrpc.ie.
There has already been a call go out yo your clubs looking for people to step forward to look at how Development Funding could be raised for your club, to help develop its facilities in 2023 and beyond. That will progress in the New Year, If you are interested or think you can help in this area be sure to talk to your club and drop a line to development@nasrpc.ie
2022 saw us switch from the National Championship Finals model we used to do to the National Leagues you voted to change to, for the first time. We would welcome peoples feedback on how that went drop a line to competitions@nasrpc.ie
So …… there is a lot on the horizon for 2023
- We hope to see lots of new people take up the sport of target shooting and join your clubs.
- We hope to see more and more of your members take up National Competition.
- We hope to see more of you compete for places on National teams in International Competition.
- We hope to see more competition competency training happening in your clubs.
But for now, We would like to Wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year and we will see you all on the line in 2023.