NASRPC 2018 AGM Notice
You are hereby notified of the Annual General Meeting 2018 of The National Association of Sporting Rifle & Pistol Clubs (NASRPC)
Date: Saturday the 9th of March 2019 @ 18:30
Venue: The Clubhouse, Midlands National Shooting Centre of Ireland, Tullamore, Co. Offaly
GPS coordinates are: 53.23677, -7.66818
Google Maps
- Introduction & outline the agenda
- 2017 AGM Minutes
- Chairman’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Competition Director Report
- Development Officer Report
- Election of officers/Executive Committee of the Association
- Proposed Resolutions
- A.O.B.
Submission of Nominations for Officers
As per the NASRPC Constitution
“All nominations must be submitted on the prescribed Nomination form (see appendix) and received by the secretary of the Association, no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of AGM.”
Therefore the Cutoff Date for submission of nominations is Saturday 23rd February 2019. Nominations may be submitted, by email, to secretary@nasrpc.ie
On Saturday 2nd March an updated agenda shall be published to the NASRPC outlining the Nominations received for Election of Officers..
Submission of Resolutions
As per the NASRPC Constitution
“Proposed resolutions to a meeting of the Association should be submitted on the prescribed form (See Appendix) , to the association secretary, no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting, by the club secretary of the member club.”
Therefore the cutoff date for submission of resolutions is Saturday 23rd February 2019. Resolutions may be submitted, by email, to secretary@nasrpc.ie
On Saturday 2nd March an updated agenda shall be published to the NASRPC outlining the Motions that have been proposed.
This covers any other business which people may wish to raise at the AGM, aside from motions, nominations, reports etc. In the interests of expediency, we would ask that people, where possible, submit their questions or requests, in advance, to secretary@nasrpc.ie so that the answers can be prepared and the best use made of everyone’s time on the day.
Please Note: “Matters raised from the floor, that require a vote to be held, must be added to the agenda for a later meeting “
Who may attend?
Any member of an Affiliated club of the NASRPC. If you are unsure whether your club is affiliated please contact your club or contact secretary@nasrpc.ie
Who may vote?
Once a quorum, as defined in the NASRPC Constitution, has been established, any matter requiring a vote may be passed by a simple majority vote of accredited delegates.
“Each member in good standing, shall have the right to cast one(1) vote – through its accredited delegate – at any meeting of the association, where so asked to vote.
Proxy voting shall not be permitted.”
Please Note: “For an alteration to the constitution to carry it requires a two thirds (⅔) majority of the votes cast.“
Please Note: “Requests to overturn a decision made at a previous Meeting require a two-thirds (⅔) majority, of the votes cast, to carry.”
The NASRPC Constitution is version 2.5 and can be found on the the NASRPC Website
More Info:
If you have any questions or require any further information please contact,
National Association of Sporting Rifle & Pistol Clubs Secretary