National Competition – An Riocht – April 2019
The National Association of Sporting Rifle & Pistol Clubs will hold a National Competition in Kingdom “An Riocht” Rifle & Pistol Club, Co. Kerry, on Saturday 27th / Sunday 28th April 2019
GPS coordinates are: 52.19309, -9.68416
Google Maps
- [SBP25P ] Smallbore Pistol – 25m Precision
- [SBPTP1 ] Smallbore Pistol – T&P1
- [SBPMT ] Smallbore Pistol – Multi Target
- [SBPGP85 ] Smallbore Pistol – GP85
- [OSBP25P ] Open Smallbore Pistol – 25m Precision
- [OSBPTP1 ] Open Smallbore Pistol – T&P1
- [OSBPMT ] Open Smallbore Pistol – Multi Target
- [OSBPGP85] Open Smallbore Pistol – GP85
- [SSBP25P ] Singlehanded Smallbore Pistol – 25m Precision
- [SBR25P ] Smallbore Revolver – 25m Precision
- [CFP25P ] Centrefire Pistol – 25m Precision
- [CFPTP1 ] Centrefire Pistol – T&P1
- [CFPMT ] Centrefire Pistol – Multi Target
- [CFPGP85 ] Centrefire Pistol – GP85
- [OCFP25P ] Open Centrefire Pistol – 25m Precision
- [OCFPTP1 ] Open Centrefire Pistol – T&P1
- [OCFPMT ] Open Centrefire Pistol – Multi Target
- [OCFPGP85] Open Centrefire Pistol – GP85
- [SPR50 ] Sporting Rifle – 50m Prone
- [FSPR50 ] Field Sporting Rifle – 50m Prone
- [OFSPR50 ] Open Field Sporting Rifle – 50m Prone
- [TR50 ] Target Rifle – 50m Prone
- [GRSB25P ] Smallbore Gallery Rifle – 25m Precision
- [GRSBTP1 ] Smallbore Gallery Rifle – T&P1
- [GRSBMT ] Smallbore Gallery Rifle – Multi Target
- [GRSB1500] Smallbore Gallery Rifle – 1500
- [GRSB100/200] Smallbore Gallery Rifle – 100/200m (**)
- [GRCF25P ] Centrefire Gallery Rifle – 25m Precision
- [GRCFTP1 ] Centrefire Gallery Rifle – T&P1
- [GRCFMT ] Centrefire Gallery Rifle – Multi Target
- [GRCF1500] Centrefire Gallery Rifle – 1500
- [CGRCF25P ] Classic Centrefire Gallery Rifle – 25m Precision
- [CGRCFTP1 ] Classic Centrefire Gallery Rifle – T&P1
- [CGRCFMT ] Classic Centrefire Gallery Rifle – Multi Target
- [CGRCF1500] Classic Centrefire Gallery Rifle – 1500
- [OGRCF25P ] Open Centrefire Gallery Rifle – 25m Precision
- [OGRCFTP1 ] Open Centrefire Gallery Rifle – T&P1
- [OGRCFMT ] Open Centrefire Gallery Rifle – Multi Target
- [OGRCF1500] Open Centrefire Gallery Rifle – 1500
- [GRM1TP1 ] M1 Gallery Rifle – T&P1
- [GRM1MT ] M1 Gallery Rifle – Multi Target
- [GRCF100200] Centrefire Gallery Rifle (Any) – 100/200m (**)
- [TSGMTP1 ] Target Shotgun (Manual) – T&P1
- [TSGMMT ] Target Shotgun (Manual) – Multi Target
- [TSGMEMB ] Target Shotgun (Manual) – Embassy Cup
- [TSGSTP1 ] Target Shotgun (Semi) – T&P1
- [TSGSMT ] Target Shotgun (Semi) – Multi Target
- [TSGSEMB ] Target Shotgun (Semi) – Embassy Cup
- [TSG100200 ] Target Shotgun (Any) – 100/200m (**)
- [CSC300] 300m Rifle (Classic) (**)
- [SPR300] 300m Rifle (Sporting) (**)
Club Team:
Scores from the following disciplines will be aggregated from each club, to give a club score which will count towards the 2019 NASRPC Club League. Scores from the best 6 competitors in each club will count.
- 50m Prone – (SPR50 or FSPR50 or TR50)
- GRSB – 25m Precision
- GRSB – 1500
- SBP – 25m Precision (SBP or OSBP or SSBP or SBR)
- SBP – Multi Target (SBP or OSBP)
100/200m GRSB / GRCF / TSG (Side Match **)
These will be shot on a shared line
GRSB – Any 22lr RIfle
GRCF – Any GRCF or GRM1 rifle
TSG – Any Slug shotgun
4 sighters + 20 shots
Practice 1 (100m): standing unsupported
2 strings of 5 shots each in 30 seconds
Practice 2 (200m): kneeling or sitting
2 convertible sighters and 10 shots to count in 12 minutes
Bring your own Ammunition
300m Classic Rifle (Side Match **)
This will be a centrefire rifle match, limited to classic rifles, of 20 shots, to include 2 sighters, at 300m
Using issued ammunition.
300m Sporting Rifle (Side Match **)
This will be a centrefire rifle match of 20 shots, to include 2 sighters, at 300m.
Bring your own Ammunition
Entry Fee:
€10 Per NASRPC Discipline, payable on the day.
€50 Discounted Entry for Entire NASRPC match
There is also a €5 development levy.
Note: 50% reduction for Pensioners, Full time students and the unemployed in NASRPC Disciplines. Only one discount applies
(**)NOTE: Side matches
100/200m GRSB (€15) , 100/200m GRCF (€15), 100/200m TSG (€15), 300m Classic (€15 + €20 ammo) & 300m Sporting Rifle (€15). Entries will be paid separately on the day.
Schedule & Pre-registration:
Match Schedule
Note: It is only permitted for an individual to choose 5 NASRPC disciplines
during pre-registration. Other disciplines may be entered on the day – but will not be scheduled.
Note: Pre-registration is not mandatory, but recommended.
An Riochts’ Ranges are not wheelchair accessible. Please contact the club for specifics
Please Note:
All NASRPC Competitions are Open Competitions.
First Detail will begin at 09:00am on both days.
Last Detail will begin at 17:00pm on both days.
Results will be posted in the days following the event
Note: Medals will only be awarded in classes where there are sufficient entries.
All Events will count towards the 2019 NASRPC National Championships.
See the NASRPC Website or contact competitions@nasrpc.ie for more details.
More Info:
If you have any questions or require any further information please contact
Kingdom “An Riocht” Rifle & Pistol Club
National Association of Sporting Rifle & Pistol Clubs Competitions