National Competition – CIPC – February 2019
The National Association of Sporting Rifle & Pistol Clubs will hold a National Competition in Castlebridge Invitational Pistol Club, Drinagh, Co.Wexford on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th February 2019
GPS coordinates are: 52.270715, -6.423614
Google Maps
- [SBP25P ] Smallbore Pistol – 25m Precision
- [SBPTP1 ] Smallbore Pistol – T&P1
- [SBPMT ] Smallbore Pistol – Multi Target
- [OSBP25P ] Open Smallbore Pistol – 25m Precision
- [OSBPTP1 ] Open Smallbore Pistol – T&P1
- [OSBPMT ] Open Smallbore Pistol – Multi Target
- [SSBP25P ] Single handed Smallbore Pistol 25m Precision
- [CFP25P ] Centrefire Pistol – 25m Precision
- [CFPTP1 ] Centrefire Pistol – T&P1
- [CFPMT ] Centrefire Pistol – Multi Target
- [OCFP25P ] Open Centrefire Pistol – 25m Precision
- [OCFPTP1 ] Open Centrefire Pistol – T&P1
- [OCFPMT ] Open Centrefire Pistol – Multi Target
- [GRSB25P ] Smallbore Gallery Rifle – 25m Precision
- [GRSBTP1 ] Smallbore Gallery Rifle – T&P1
- [GRSBMT ] Smallbore Gallery Rifle – Multi Target
- Club Team
Club Team:
Scores from the following disciplines will be aggregated from each club to give a club score which will count towards the 2018 NASRPC Club League. Scores from the best 6 competitors in each club will count.
- GRSB – 25m Precision
- GRSB – T&P1
- GRSB – Multi
- SBP – 25m Precision (SBP, OSBP or SSBP)
- SBP – T&P1 (SBP or OSBP)
- SBP – Multi (SBP or OSBP)
RO Preshoot:
In order to allow those volunteering at the event to complete their competition details and be free to volunteer during the main match – CIPC have scheduled an RO pre-shoot the week before – Sunday 3rd February.
This is only open to those who will be volunteering at the main match. If you wish to RO or shoot in the pre-shoot let us know which day(s) you are volunteering at the main event so your time can be scheduled.
Entry Fee:
€10 Per Discipline, payable on the day.
€50 Discounted Entry for Entire NASRPC match.
There is also a €5 development levy.
Note: 50% reduction for Pensioners, Full time students and the unemployed. Only one discount applies.
CIPC will make food – Curry or Stroganoff – available each day, for €5.
Please be sure to specify in pre-reg, which days you will want lunch, this will help ensure there is enough.
Schedule & Pre-registration:
Match Schedule
Pre-registration is now open
Please Note: It is only permitted for an individual to choose 5 disciplines during pre-registration. Other disciplines may be entered on the day – but will not be scheduled. Pre-registration is not mandatory, but recommended.
CIPC has not been made wheelchair accessible.
For more information, please contact the club.
Anyone wishing to stay over, CIPC have arranged preferential rates in the Farmers Kitchen Hotel near the range.
Simply mention CIPC when booking to avail of the rate.
Please Note:
All NASRPC Competitions are Open Competitions.
First Detail will begin at 10:00am both days
Last Detail will begin at 16:30pm Saturday and 16:00 Sunday
Results will be posted in the days following the event. Uncollected Medals will be delivered to clubs at the quarterly meetings.
Note: Medals will only be awarded in classes where there are sufficient entries.
All Events will count towards the 2019 NASRPC National Championships.
See the NASRPC Website or contact competitions@nasrpc.ie for more details.
More Info:
If you have any questions or require any further information please contact NASRPC
Castlebridge Invitational Pistol Club
National Association of Sporting Rifle & Pistol Clubs Competitions