Following consultation with the NRA, new classification bands have been proposed for some of the Gallery Rifle Sports.
GRSB Timed & Precision 1 (GRSBTP1)
No Changes
GRSB Timed & Precision 1 (GRSBTP2)
X : 586-600 587-600
A : 556-585 567-587
B : up to 555 up to 566
GRSB Multi Target (GRSBMT)
X : 114-120 116-120
A : 106-113 105-115
B : up to 105 up to 104
GRSB 1500 (GRSB1500)
X : 1478-1500 1481-1500
A : 1455-1477 1471-1480
B : 1425-1454 1448-1470
C : 1375-1424 1375-1448
D : up to 1374
GRCF Timed & Precision 1 (GRCFTP1)
X : 300.21 300.23
A : 299-300.20 299-300.22
B : up to 298
GRCF Timed & Precision 2 (GRCFTP2)
X : 595-600
A : 585-594 587-594
B : up to 584 up to 586
GRCF Multi Target (GRCFMT)
X : 118-120 119-120
A : 111-117 112-119
B : up to 110 up to 111
GRCF 1500 (GRCF1500)
X : 1493-1500 1494-1500
A : 1485-1492 1490-1494
B : 1468-1484 1480-1490
C : 1427-1467 1456-1479
D : up to 1426 up to 1455
If adopted, these bands will apply in all IGRF Nations.
The NASRPC National Leaderboards will be updated to adjust peoples current classification, where necessary, and the classification bands will apply in all NASRPC events during the 2018 season, starting with Gorey on Feb 3rd.
Please review the proposal to see changes to other disciplines shot in Britain.
if you have any comments of questions on the proposed changes, please drop a line to
National Association of Sporting Rifle & Pistol Clubs