Target Shotgun Info & Training Day – MNSCI – 27th January 2019
Midlands National Shooting Centre of Ireland (MNSCI) will be holding an Info & Training Day in Target Shotgun on 27th January 2019.
Target Shotgun is shot with slug ammunition and as such requires a restricted shotgun license to practice or compete. This is necessary to be able to tell the scores apart on the paper targets.
In Ireland it is currently only shot with Pump Action or Semi Shotguns.
However, on this occasion, those who have not yet achieved their restricted license will be able to take part with birdshot – in order to understand what the discipline is about – and better understand if it is something they would like to take up. Obviously,we won’t be able to tell your score!!
Where & When
Sunday the 27th January
Venue: Midlands NSCI
Time: 10:30 am
What will be covered?
Beginners Competition Training assumes no prior competition shooting experience and will be mostly dealing with safety and looking at some of the more entry level competition disciplines that people can start out on.
You will be able to see some of the equipment the top competitors use – the techniques used by those competitors and see what disciplines are shot competitively here in Ireland and on the International Circuit.
Who is this for?
Anyone interested in the Sport of Target Shotgun.
What do you need on the day ?
You will require a Pump or Semi shotgun – and ammunition.
Those with a restricted license may use slug ammunition, those with a regular license may use birdshot (but will require a restricted license and slug ammunition to take part in competition)
Bring some lunch and your current shotgun license and your current insurance.
Who is running it?
We will have experienced Target Shotgun Competitors – National & International as well as the NASRPC National Discipline Co-ordinator in Target Shotgun to help and guide you through a very enjoyable day.
How do I get on board?
Send a note to
Let us know:
Any questions you may have in advance.