A great day out in Eagles – the craic as always, well worth the trip.
It has been a long time since we had to open a second pack of targets at a Prone match – but with people having to fight for room on the line – it was one of those days.
The largest attendance we’ve ever had for a prone match in Eagles – long may it continue.
In Sporting Rifle, we saw some great shooting with Edward Atkinson and Keith Skinner both getting promoted to B class and Mick McGrath and Tom O’Donoghue both getting promoted to C class.
It was great to see some new faces shooting prone too with a good showing from Courtlough, whose Ian McCandless managed to shoot into the medals.
We saw out first outing for Field Sporting Rifle and there was a lot of interest.
Most people shot from the bipod, but a few shot from a front bag and some very tasty scores were recorded.
An Riochts’ Howard Jones shot a 387 in Field Sporting Rifle – besting the top score in Sporting Rifle, John Walshes 385.
So… this thing might just catch on!!
Have a look at the results here
Special thanks to Stephen Sinclair and Mick Tope who RO’d all day.

Thanks to Paddy, Mick and the gang at Eagles for what was a great day … and fantastic biscuits.
NASRPC Competitions