Results BRC National and Kiel Cup

A great turn out for the Kiel Cup with four teams and many individuals taking part with some very good scores especially in the Silhouettes, Nicholas Flood hit 17 out of 20 and John P Walsh hitting 15. This competition is getting closer every year but it was the...

Substitutions of short restricted firearms

Substitutions of short restricted firearms: During the early part of 2017 we sought and received positive legal opinion on the possibility of the lawful substitution of short non restricted firearms. We put together a submission that was presented to the FCP at the...


The NASRPC would like to express our most sincere condolences to the family of Barbara Pratt who passed away on friday evening last. Barbara is the Grandmother of both our Vice Chairman Karl O’Brien and Ross Pratt O’Brien, our thoughts and prayers are with...

Results National Competition ECSC July

We had a great day last Sunday at East Coast Shooting Club, a great turnout and we thought ye would be burnt out shooting after the international. A big thank you to Sean and Dec and all the lads from ECSC who made the day such a success with all their work and of...

Results of WA1500 PPC match in MTSC on July 29, 2017

See below the results of WA1500 PPC match in MTSC on July 29, 2017 Revolver 1500: WA-ID                                   Name                                                                    Score 3217                                       Gerry McCarthy           ...