Results – Bracken – July 2021

Thanks to Tony, Patsy and all the crew in Bracken for a very well run match. We saw a lot more people return to the National Competition Circuit and even quite a few new faces. You will find the results here Competition Results – Bracken July 2021 Scoring...

Results – An Riocht – June 2021

Well done to Pat and all the team in An Riocht for a very well run match  with all the usual craic and banter we come to expect. Some great scores considering the long break from competition – even quite a few PBs. Results are now on the website and can be found...

Gallery Rifle Centrefire Some Updates

25m Precision Classifications Following a decision at the 2019 AGM it was decided to introduce classifications in 25m Precision competition. This has already happened with Pistol in 2020. It was decided by the Governing Body to adopt proposed classification bands for...

Gallery Rifle Smallbore Some Updates

National Discipline Co-ordinator As we have not had a National Discipline Co-ordinator (NDC) for GRSB for some time, Nigel Barrett/Hilltop has volunteered to fulfil this role. His position was ratified by the most recent meeting of the Governing Body. Now that we can...