We have just had a couple of very weird years in our lives and our sport.

While there is a not a lot most of us can do about that – NASRPC has been working, with its members, to come up with a plan for the next five years and onwards, for our Association and our sports.

We felt we should also seek the input of you, those who have registered an interest in the NASRPC, and what it does.

So we are running this survey for the month of December 2021 – we will let people fill it out until Jan 1st – at which point we will close out the Survey, collate its findings and present them to the NASRPC at its AGM on January 15th 2022.

We cannot promise that everyone’s suggestions will be adopted – that is the choice of the NASRPC – but your feedback will become part of the discussion on our future. If we don’t know about it – it won’t.

Not everyone who is a member of a member club of the NASRPC, nor indeed who competes in NASRPC Sanctioned Competition, is on our mailing list or follows our facebook page

You may be surprised to learn that in the last 5 years alone, almost 500 separate individuals have taken part in NASRPC Sanctioned competition.

We all know that those who compete Nationally is only a very small % of the membership of our clubs – so there are a lot of people out there whose viewpoint / perspective / experience & expertise can help steer the Association to being ever better.

Many of your fellow club members may not know about the NASRPC, may not know if your club is a member, or not, may not know what competitions or disciplines are offered.

So – please feel free to pass on this survey to other members of your clubs, or indeed others who you feel may have a contribution to make.

NASRPC Survey – Q4 2021

We look forward to your feedback and suggestions and to making 2022 our best year yet.

National Association of Sporting Rifle & Pistol Clubs