Irish Open PPC International

NITSA in association with the WA1500 Association of Ireland and the NASRPC announce the Irish Open PPC International at the Buskhill Ranges, County Down, 7-9 September. Revolver 1500, Pistol 1500, short matches and side matches. Please see attached  entry  form which...

WA1500PPC Match

Munster Target Shooting Club will be holding a WA1500PPC match on Saturday the 29th of July. This will include revolver and pistol 1500 and short matches. First shots at 10am

2017 NASRPC Irish Open results

Well things are starting to settle down here at NASRPC HQ and get back to a more normal pace, it was a great pleasure for us to be involved in such a hugely successful event and again we would like to thank you all for attending whether it was competing, working or...