AGM Minutes 2019

AGM Minutes 2019 Minutes for the 2019 AGM as circulated to the nominated club representatives. The full report can be found here AGM Minutes 2019In addition to the election of a new committee, there are a number of exciting new prospects for the competition year. ...

Gallery Rifle – National Teams

Gallery Rifle – National Teams This will be the 10th year that NASRPC have been fielding Irish teams in the IGRF International Series, starting with GRCF1500 way back in 2009 and with GRSB1500 the following year 2010. With the IGRF World Cup coming up in South...

Pistol – National Teams

Pistol – National Teams At this years Irish Open in Bracken, NASRPC will be hosting an International Pistol Team event.  We have already sent out invites to other Nations and hope to see them field teams in this event.  The Competition will take place on Sunday...