Results – MNSCI – May 2018

(Final results including Prone and Benchrest scores) The sun came out for a great days shooting in MNSCI on May 12th. As this was the final heat for qualification for the Irish Teams  – for the IGRF Matches at the Phoenix meeting in Bisley on May 28th – there was some...

July 2018 – NASRPC Irish Open – Match Schedule

Folks, As you are all aware – this years Irish Open will take place in Midlands National Shooting Centre of Ireland on July 6th, 7th & 8th. It will include all the favorites and of course the Irish Leg of the IGRF International Series. There will be a TSG...

IGRF UK – Irish Teams

It’s that time of year again when the NASRPC send Irish teams to represent our Country and Organisation at International level in Gallery Rifle. This time the destination is Bisley for the UK Leg of the IGRF International Series. The following are the team members who...