Competition RO Upskill Training

Competition RO Upskill Training   What is it? Every club in the land has plenty of Range Officers – every weekend and most likely plenty of weekdays – they are ensuring safety on their home range – at practice sessions, club matches and helping...

Introductory and Training day

A great days shooting was had in MNSCI this past Saturday. A training and introduction day was pencilled in where a number of people, including some of the members of our Winning World Cup Teams, would be on hand to show people the ropes in the Target Pistol and...

Sad news

Hi all, We just received this sad news from the lads at BRC today. Sad to report the death of George Gibney, BRC Hon. Life Member who recently passed away. His funeral will take place tomorrow morning in Bird Avenue Church, Clonskeagh at 10.00...

Introductory and training day

For any of you out there that would like to improve your shooting skills or even just give it a try this is your chance. The NASRPC will hold a Gallery Rifle and Pistol introductory day at the MNSCI. On Sunday the 3rd of December. 10:30am to 3pm All levels catered for...

National Championship Finals

Congratulations to all those that have qualified for the 2017 NASRPC National Championship Finals. 2017 saw huge numbers of people achieving personal bests and saw many Irish and World records fall, so competition for the top of the leaderboards has been quite...